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Friday 2 September 2016

IELTS English Vocabulary - E

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IELTS English Vocabulary - E

(noun) Financial system, financial market. For example: ‘The strength of the country’s economy has attracted the interest of foreign investors.’

(verb) Correct, alter, improve. For example: ‘My lecturer has offered to edit the first part of my thesis to ensure I am writing correctly.’

(noun) What happens; the result. Example: ‘The effect of climate change is unpredictable.’

(adjective) Efficient, successful, useful. Example: ‘ILSNZ Online IELTS is an effective way to study’.

(adverb) Time saving; productively. Example: ‘It is important to use your time in the IELTS test efficiently to get a good result’.

(noun) Part, component, factor. For example: ‘Certain elements of society are not contributing properly to the overall success of the country.’

(verb) Get rid of, remove. For example: ‘It is the Government’s responsibility to eliminate the problem of drug use in society.’

(verb) Appear, materialise, come to light. For example: ‘Our medical knowledge improves almost daily and new cures for disease continue to emerge.’

(noun) To leave your home country to live in another place. See also IMMIGRATION.
Example: John is from England. He now lives in New Zealand. He has emmigrated from
England and immigrated to New Zealand.

(adjective) Sensitive, affecting, stimulating emotion. Example: ‘He gave a highly emotive speech.’

(noun) Importance, weight, stress. For example: ‘There should be more emphasis on increasing the number of disabled people in the workforce.’

(verb) To reinforce, to restate, to highlight. Example: ‘When you write a conclusion to your essay, you should emphasise your main argument.’

(adjective) Observed, practical. For example: ‘Empirical research is required to obtain confirmation that the theories are correct.’

(verb) Allow, make possible. For example: ‘Government should subsidise entry fees to museums and art galleries to enable a higher number of people to visit. ‘

(verb) Come across, come in contact with, meet. Example: ‘When travelling abroad tourists have the opportunity to encounter many interesting people and learn a great deal about a different culture’.

(noun) Support, inspiration, confidence-building. Example: ‘Students achieve better results with encouragement from parents and teachers.’

(noun) Power, force, vigour. For example: ‘A great deal of energy from members of the team will be required to ensure the success of the new venture.’

(verb) Make compulsory, insist on. For example: ‘It is important for schools to enforce school rules strictly as students learn important lessons which will be useful later in life.’

(verb) Improve, add to. For example: ‘Access to parks and gardens enhances the quality of life of city dwellers.’

(adjective) huge, massive, vast. For example: ‘Industrial activity has an enormous impact on the environment.’

(verb) To find out about, to ask for information about. Example: ‘For bus timetables, you need to enquire at the main office.’
Also spelled ‘inquire’

(verb) To join, to sign up. Example: ‘New students have to enrol in the course before Monday’.

(verb) Make sure, make certain. For example: ‘It is the duty of a parent to ensure that their child has access to a solid education’

To have the right to claim something. For example: ‘If you are not happy with your IELTS result, you are entitled to ask them to check your exam again.’

(noun) Body, unit. For example: ‘Although they are both Government organisations they are completely separate entities.’

(noun) Natural world, nature, ecosystem. For example: ‘More people should use public transport due to the negative impact of cars on the environment.’

(verb) Liken, compare, connect. For example: ‘Society often equates old age with weakness and dependence.’

(adjective) Equal distance between things. Example: ‘The school is equidistant from the railway station and the hospital – it only take 5 minutes to walk to each place.’

(verb) Prepare, train, get (someone) ready. For example: ‘It is important that the education received at school equips students with skills they will require in the working world.’

(adjective phrase) Having the required equipment or tools to do something. Example: ‘A lot of holiday accommodation is equipped with everything you need to cook a meal.’

(adjective) Equal, the same, comparable. For example: ’40 degrees celsius is equivalent to 104 degrees fahrenheit.’

(verb) Wear away, wear down. For example: ‘Valleys are formed when rivers erode away the land.’

(noun) A mistake. Example: ‘There are a number of common errors made by IELTS candidates’.

(adjective) Something you must have or do. Example: Water is essential for survival.

(verb) Set up, start, begin. For example: ‘The company is establishing a new arm of the business in Asia next year.’

(noun) Assets, property, wealth. For example: ‘He has left his estate to his children and grandchild in the event of his death.’

(verb) Calculate approximately, assess. For example: ‘It is estimated that the new building will cost around $6.5million dollars to build.’

(noun) Set of principles, moral values. For example: ‘Companies can encourage a strong work ethic in their employees through fair treatment and by offering favourable work conditions.’

(adjective) of a particular group of people or culture. For example: ‘London’s population is made up of many different ethnic groups..’

(verb) Assess, appraise. For example: ‘The company evaluates its performance by monitoring various aspects of the business carefully.’

(adjective) Ultimate, final. For example: ‘The organisation needs to increase its sales turnover or we can expect its eventual closure.’

(adjective) Clear, obvious, apparent. For example: ‘It is evident from the graph that 18-25 year olds were the biggest purchasers of CDs in the period shown’

(verb) Develop, grow, progress. For example: ‘The small home-based business evolved into a major company over a period of five years.’

(adjective) Correct, accurate, precise. Example: ‘For some IELTS reading questions, you need to answer using exact words from the passage. You are not allowed to use your own words’.

(verb) Go beyond, surpass. For example: ‘It is irresponsible for drivers to exceed the speed limit, particularly in areas around schools.’

(adjective) Too much. Example: ‘Excessive drinking is becoming a problem among teenagers in many countries.’

(verb) Keep out, leave out. For example: ‘In extreme cases schools will often exclude students from school as punishment if they continue to misbehave.’

(adjective) Perfect. Example: ‘The student was given an award for exemplary behaviour’.

(verb) Show, display. For example: ‘He exhibits the talent to be a very good athlete one day.’

(verb) Grow, become larger. For example: ‘The organisation has expanded its manufacturing operation since it won the Government contract.’

(noun) Spending, outgoings, expenses. Example: ‘For the majority of families, the biggest monthly expenditure is on mortgage repayments’.

(noun) Specialist. For example: ‘Some experts claim that there is a link between violence in children and playing of violent video games.’

(noun) A statement made to make something understandable. Example: ‘My teacher gave a very good explanation of how to improve my writing’.

(adjective) Open, graphic, uninhibited. For example: ‘Many people believe that the pictures we see on the news nowadays of war and suffering are much too explicit.’

(verb) Take advantage of, ill use. For example: ‘Laws protecting workers are necessary to prevent some employers from exploiting their rights.’

(verb) Sell overseas. For example: ‘The country is very self-sufficient and exports significantly more produce than it needs to import. ‘

(verb) Bring attention to, reveal publicly. For example: ‘It is important for the media to have freedom to publish as often scandals are exposed by their investigations.’

(verb) Bring / come into contact with. Example: ‘Skin needs to be protected when it is exposed to the sun’.

(verb) To communicate, to say. Example: ‘An increasing number of people are expressing concern regarding our impact on the environment.’

(verb) To make bigger; to make longer. Example: ‘You should try to extend your answers as much as possible without repeating yourself in the IELTS speaking test.’

(noun) Addition or something extra. Example: ‘The student asked for an extension on their assignment as they couldn’t finish on time’.

(noun phrase) A question that asks for more detailed information on a topic you have already discussed.  Example: ‘Towards the end of the IELTS speaking test, you wil be asked some extension questions related to the topic card you spoke about.’

(adjective) Outside. For example: ‘The company will be audited by an external auditor next week.’

(noun) A part/passage from a literary work or speech. For example: ‘The author will read an extract from his latest book at the book signing next week.’

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